Tuesday, 28 May 2013

5 great things about post and rail fencing

by lee benson

5 great things about post and rail fencing.

well lets look at 5 great things about post and rail fencing.

1) It looks great, a new post and rail fence can really tidy up your backyard, there is nothing worse than having a old fence to work to when you are trying to landscape the backyard, having a tidy place is having a tidy mind.

2) its strong, the post and rail colorbond fencing adelaide is a strong fence, the fence sheets are fixed to steel rails which are connected to the posts in the ground with quality concrete, the sheets have about 8 screws in each which means that those sheets are not going anywhere soon.

3) it comes in all colorbond colours, which is great because that means that ypou can match your fence to the style and colour of your backyard or house, having a fence that matches your landscaping is a beautiful thing.

4) post and rail fencing now comes with a fence cap, which means that you kids are not going to slice there hands open when they climb the fence, the post and rail fence is now safer than ever and the capping really makes the fence look great.

5) it is made by BHP, which means all your product is made in australia, home made is the way to go, when you start getting gear from overseas it is usually not as good quality and will fade and rust over a short period of time.

happy fencing your adelaide fencing

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